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Between the Black and White - The Emotional Middle Line

Posted By Aimee Robinson  
11:30 AM

The search for colour.

As humans we experience a variety of emotions throughout each day. At times emotions will soar like an eagle in flight, dancing and enjoying the wind beneath the wings. At this point we might experience excitement and enthusiasm for the world around us and the experiences we are having, yet, at the extreme, here lives euphoria, mania and disconnect with reality. This can be a dangerous place where risks can be taken, and personal safety is jeopardised. I call this the white of Invincible.  

Emotions can also sink deep into the depths of the cold, dark floor of the well. For the most part it is a solo journey here, hiding and avoiding life’s next move. This stillness and silence may last a few hours, or days but what happens when it never seems to leave? At the extreme this is major depression deep sadness, anger, hopelessness, numbness.  I call this the black of Disconnected.

These versions of White and Black are the extremes in mental unrest and illness.

For some people emotional high ups and low downs are a perpetual cycle, which inevitably disrupts work life, relationships with partners, friends, parents, siblings and children.

The ultimate wish for most people I have seen in my professional setting is ‘to be happy’.

What does that mean – ‘to be happy’?

Perhaps it’s the absence of unhappiness

Perhaps it’s having more

Perhaps it’s doing less

Perhaps, just perhaps it’s a perspective

Living the emotional middle line can bring great peace and joy in daily living. At first it might seem ‘boring’ without the extremes, yet soon the smaller more manageable ups and downs have no lasting impact on your new sustained happiness. I call this the line of many colours where there is laughter, playfulness, movement, choices, dreaming, action and connection.

In this space:

Drama does not live here

Worry does not live here

Gratefulness lives here

Kindness lives here

Honesty lives here

Change can be scary, seeking help can be scary.  It is important to be ready for the next step, because being ready for change, even when you don’t know what it might look like, even when you don’t know who you could be, it is the bravest action you can take.  There are a variety of therapies and healing modalities designed for your success.  Are you ready to see Your Life In Colour?